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Selektope mode of action - Lifecycle of a barnacle

Barnacles have a complex lifecycle, Selektope prevents barnacle growth by stimulating the swimming behaviour of the barnacle at its larvae stage. Making it unable to attach to a vessel´s hull without killing effect. After a while, the larvae will return to normal swimming behaviour.

October 20, 2023

Selektope - Biotechnology for sustainable fouling prevention.

What is Selektope and how does it work?

Watch the short explainer video describing the benefits of using an antifouling system containing Selektope and why it is imperative to invest in a high performing antifouling coating.

Decarbonizing Shipping Virtual Forum

View the video of I-Tech´s Technical Director, Dr Markus Hoffmann, presenting live about how optimising hull performance by a powerful antifouling system is key in reaching decarbonisation.

During the presentation, Dr. Hoffmann talks about the Selektope technology and the significant impact of a fouled hull. He also reveals new research findings of increased idling vessels during 2020, and how that will have an impact on the environment, costs and vessel performance.

April 27, 2021

Asia Pacific Maritime V-Connect Webinar: What can you do today to enhance your vessel efficiency?

Is making your ships greener at the top of your priority list? Would you like to refresh your knowledge on operational efficiency?

Original Broadcast date: November 24. 2020

Agenda: - Lean Marine Sweden AB - Mikael Laurin, CEO and Jonas Persson, Sales Director: ‘How much fuel saving could your vessel get through operational excellence?’ -

I-Tech AB - Philip Chaabane, CEO and Per Svensson, Sales Director: ‘Barnacle fouling: a growing issue for the global shipping fleet'

I-Tech and Lean Marine Webinar

What you can do today to enhance vessel efficiency? March 26, 2020

Biofouling Blue Talk @ NorShipping 2019 – hosted by I-Tech and GAC Hullwiper

In this 1-hour expert seminar, I-Tech and GAC HullWiper join Blue Talk Host Craig Eason and other biofouling experts to examine the future biofouling and antifouling coatings and challenges facing the maritime sector. This seminar was held at the NorShipping exhibition in Oslo, Norway in June 2019.

Selektope at the International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Lena Lindblad, R&D Manager at I-Tech, is presenting Selektope at the IMO.

Future of Marine Coatings Panel Debate, hosted by I-Tech AB at Nor-Shipping

A panel of experts in the field of marine hull coatings technology and ship owners gathered at Nor-Shipping 2017 in Oslo to debate the future of marine coatings and how novel scientific advances will influence future marine coatings development.

Experts on the panel were:

Philip Chaabane, CEO - I-Tech AB

Mikael Laurin , CEO - Laurin Maritime

Per Wimby, Project Manager retrofits and newbuilds - Stena Teknik

Dr. Raouf Kattan, Managing Director - Safinah Ltd Prof.

Tor Svensen, Director - Safinah Ltd, former Executive Vice President DNV GL

Lena Lindblad on Selektope

Swedish Shipowners’ Association’s Entrepreneur Day

The benefits of Selektope for The Swedish Sea Rescue Society

I-Tech's Selektope works well for the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.

Selektope® - The unique barnacle-repellent active agent for marine paint

Watch the official Selektope product video – published August 2019. In 2018 the UN through its shipping governing body the International Maritime Organisation, IMO, decided that the annual shipping GHG emissions be reduced by 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels. Selektope is one of the solutions that reduces the environmental impact by lowering frictional resistance and optimising hull performance.

Interview with Markus Hoffman at Green Ship Technology (GST)

Interview with Markus Hoffman, I-Tech Technical Director at the Green Ship Technology (GST) conference 2020. Listen to Marcus discuss how biofouling is a big problem in the industry by increasing friction and drag up to 30%. Becoming carbon neutral before 2050 all the vessels delivered after 2025-2028 need to be ready.

Lifecycle of a barnacle

Learn about the lifecycle of barnacles.

I-tech at Erik Penser Bank, Nov 28 - 2018 (In Swedish)

I-Tech CEO Philip Chaabane interview with Erik Penser Bank 28/11 -2018 #Sitdown (Swedish language with English subtitles)

I-Tech's CEO Philip Chaabane describes how the supply chain has been optimised and how everything has been set up for a stable production and delivery to I-Tech's customers.

I-Tech CEO Philip Chaabane interview with Nasdaq, Oct 16 - 2019

I-Tech CEO Philip Chaabane in an interview with Nasdaq Spotlight describes how I-Tech with its product Selektope is a company that is responding to the urgent needs of reducing the environmental impact our actions have on the earth. At the same time as the customers respond to the environmental challenges, they also save money by keeping their hulls clean and saving fuel.

Latest News & Blog
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Japan: where Selektope antifouling coatings bloom like the Sakura 桜 in Spring

Japan is a country where the use of Selektope is blossoming. It’s the country where the first ...
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20 tonnes of Selektope safeguards 2,500 vessels from barnacles

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Biofouling: reflections from Kormarine 2023

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Industry collaboration is key to keeping hulls clean

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The successful journey of Selektope: From lab to hull powered by entrepreneurial spirit and science

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CII takes centre stage at the 2022 Hull Performance and Insight Conference (HullPIC)

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Reflections on Nor-Shipping 2022

This biennial exhibition has served as an important meeting place for the international maritime ind...
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Insights from our time spent on the world’s Largest Hospital Ship

This was a huge deal for us since I-Tech had been working for many years with Mercy Ships Sweden in ...
31 Jan 2022 insights

Looking ahead in 2022

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8 Jul 2024 News

Selektope cements itself in the shipping industry nine years since first introduction to antifouling coatings

The unique, barnacle-deterring ability of the antifouling technology, Selektope® has earned its pla...

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